Here is a Web site that searches a database of charities to sort out who is doing what.
Here is a list of some of the many charities doing work in the aftermath of the storm:
American Red Cross Disaster services and relief. Click here for Red Cross financial information.
Humane Society of the U.S. Emergency preparedness for pets. Click here for Humane Society financial information.
New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity Assisting victims of Hurricane Katrina. Click here for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity financial information.
United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area Helping victims of hurricanes locally. Click here for United Way for the Greater New Orleans Area financial information.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
How You Can Help
Posted by Richard at 8/31/2005 08:38:00 PM 0 comments
Who's Helping
Here is the Federal Emergency Management Agency Web site, which explains what the agency is doing and what it plans to do.
Emergency declarations for Hurricane Katrina:
State Emergency Management Links (for local issues and concerns about evcauations, preparations, shelters and safety):
The American Red Cross said it had thousands of volunteers mobilized for the hurricane.
The Environmental Protection Agency sent emergency crews to Louisiana and Texas because of concern about oil and chemical spills.
The Department of Defense dispatched emergency coordinators to Alabama, Florida, Louisiana and Mississippi to provide communications equipment, search and rescue operations, medical teams and other emergency assistance.
The Department of Health and Human Services sent 38 doctors and nurses to Jackson, Miss., to be used, where they are needed, and 27 pallets of medical supplies to Louisiana, with first aid materials, sterile gloves and oxygen tanks.
Posted by Richard at 8/31/2005 08:36:00 PM 0 comments
Preperation-H On Isle 8
Avoid those embarrassing moments. Order those hard to find, hard to buy items online at Over-The-Counter.
Posted by Richard at 8/31/2005 07:14:00 AM 0 comments
Emergancy Phone
Since 1997, all cell phones are required to function for 911 calls, whether in paid service or not.
Get an old clunker from this web site free.
Posted by Richard at 8/31/2005 07:03:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Dear Diary #4
US History,
Posted by Richard at 8/30/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 29, 2005
Here She Comes
Envisat sees whirling Hurricane Katrina from ocean waves to cloud tops. ESA's multi-sensor Envisat satellite has gathered a unique view of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico. While an optical image shows characteristic spiralling cloud patterns, a simultaneous radar observation pierces through the clouds to show how Katrina's 250-kilometre-an-hour an hour winds scour the sea surface.
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 08:07:00 AM 0 comments
Prayers For New Orleans
My prayers are going out tonight to New Orleans. I hope that things do not turn out as severe as they are predicting. I hope that my friends in New Orleans end up fine, and their homes intact. I am reasonably certain that at least one friend and her family is out of harms way, I wish I could say the same for her home.
I know that there will be need of the American Red Cross, please consider donating time or money to help those in need.
Here is a Katrina Storm Watch and news and backround information are being updated directly at Wikipedia. Hurricane Center - storm tracking maps, satellite images, strike probabilities, warnings, parish alerts, storm photos, and other resources for monitoring and preparing for tropical cyclones from the New Orleans paper.
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 08:01:00 AM 0 comments
David vs. Goliath
Recording Industry vs The People - A blog devoted to the RIAA's lawsuits of intimidation brought against ordinary working people.
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 07:14:00 AM 0 comments
Mr. Potato(head)
How to bake a potato - Step by step instructions for the perfect baked potato.
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
America’s Most Literate Cities 2004
America’s Most Literate Cities 2004 finds a statistical answer for 79 cities, drawing on numerous data sources to measure the public’s propensity for reading. The information is compiled from U.S. Census data, newspaper circulation rates, magazine publishing, educational attainment levels, library resources and booksellers.
The Top 10
1. Minneapolis, MN
2. Seattle, WA
3. Pittsburgh, PA
4. Madison, WI
5. Cincinnati, OH
6. Washington, DC
7. Denver, CO
8. Boston, MA
9. Portland, OR
10. San Francisco, CA
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 07:06:00 AM 0 comments
Grand Slammer
Fantasy Criminal League - instead of getting points by scoring touchdowns or batting in runs, the FCL's teams score points when their players commit embarrassing or criminal acts.
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 07:04:00 AM 0 comments
National Lampoon
National Lampoon magazine covers and for those who always want more, more, more...
Mikes' Very Large National Lampoon Site
Posted by Richard at 8/29/2005 07:01:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 28, 2005
And Not A Drop To Drink
World Water Source - foundation dedicated to funding projects to provide safe water, basic sanitation, and hygiene education to the world's poorest people.
This is a follow-up to a post that I found interesting and meaningful on Ray's Blog:
- Percentage of illness worldwide due to water-borne disease: 80%
- Number of people worldwide lacking basic sanitation: 2.6 billion (40%).
- Number of people without reliable access to safe water: more than 1 billion.
- Amount of additional annual spending needed to provide everyone with clean water: $1.7 billion.
- Amount of further additional annual spending needed to provide everyone with basic sanitation: $9.3 billion. (That is, $11 billion total to provide everyone with clean water and basic sanitation.)
- Amount spent worldwide on bottled water annually: $46 billion.
My wife and I have basically stopped buying bottled water for the home, we use a Brita filter, saving us around $20 - $25 a month.
Posted by Richard at 8/28/2005 07:27:00 AM 0 comments
Spin Me Right Round
Discography Guide - offers discographies for a range of artists featuring record labels, release dates, track lists, and CD covers.
Posted by Richard at 8/28/2005 07:18:00 AM 0 comments
Punctuation - a brief history, correct usage, and examples of punctuation marks in English, from a copy editing workshop at New York University.
Posted by Richard at 8/28/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Heads Will Roll
Political killing in the cold war and thereafter - provides an outline of the after effects of assassinations, covert killings, state and judicial executions.
Posted by Richard at 8/28/2005 06:58:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Calling All Cars #3
Police Codes and Abbreviations - commonly used codes by Law Enforcement departments throughout the U.S.
Posted by Richard at 8/27/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
Calling All Cars #2
Directory of State Patrol and State Police - directory of links to the official sites for state and highway patrols for all 50 states. Web site includes homeland security links and state sex offender pages.
Posted by Richard at 8/27/2005 07:06:00 AM 0 comments
Calling All Cars #1 - lists police scanner sites, frequencies, and audio feeds nationwide.
Posted by Richard at 8/27/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 26, 2005
Explaining The Bush Cocoon
Under traditional news judgment, the lead paragraph in American newspapers on the morning of Nov. 12, 2001, should have read something like: “If all legally cast votes in Florida were counted in Election 2000, Democrat Al Gore would have carried the state and thus won the White House, according to an unofficial tally of disputed ballots.”
Indeed, the tally found that Gore would have carried Florida’s key electoral votes regardless of the standard used for judging so-called “undervotes,” ballots kicked out by vote-counting machines which could detect no presidential choice. Gore won even ignoring Florida’s other irregularities – such as the badly designed “butterfly ballots” and the improper “felon purges” – that cost him thousands of additional votes.
To put it more starkly, a recount conducted by a consortium of major media organizations had determined that George W. Bush, the guy in the White House, not only lost the national popular vote but should have lost the Electoral College, too. To be even blunter, a pivotal U.S. presidential election had been stolen.
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 07:13:00 AM 0 comments
Da Vinci Friction
Proving Da Vinci right at the atomic level. Renaissance painter, inventer, and scientist Leonardo Da Vinci theorized that friction was related to the surface structure of the opposing surfaces. Now, 500 years later, a group of researchers from Ames Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have used unique materials called quasicrystals to prove the theory holds even at the atomic level.
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 07:11:00 AM 0 comments
Island Hopping - meandering search engine finds the shortest path between any two things.
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 07:11:00 AM 0 comments
Ad Vantage
Best Ads on TV - funny, clever, and weird ads from around the world.
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 07:09:00 AM 2 comments
Upper Classmen
The Princeton Review's Best 361 College Rankings
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
Death By Caffeine
Energy Fiend - blogging the world of caffeinated beverages, including a Death by Caffeine calculator that determines how many cups of your favorite pick-me-up it would take to kill you.
62 bottles of Buzzwater (The most potent stuff) would kill me (I wonder if my caffeine tolerence would make a difference?), only 12 bottles for my son Ryan.
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 07:00:00 AM 0 comments
Turn to page 1,850 of the 1975 edition of the New Columbia Encyclopedia and you’ll find an entry for Lillian Virginia Mountweazel, a fountain designer turned photographer who was celebrated for a collection of photographs of rural American mailboxes titled “Flags Up!” Mountweazel, the encyclopedia indicates, was born in Bangs, Ohio, in 1942, only to die “at 31 in an explosion while on assignment for Combustibles magazine.”
If Mountweazel is not a household name, even in fountain-designing or mailbox-photography circles, that is because she never existed. “It was an old tradition in encyclopedias to put in a fake entry to protect your copyright,” Richard Steins, who was one of the volume’s editors, said the other day. “If someone copied Lillian, then we’d know they’d stolen from us.”
So when word leaked out that the recently published second edition of the New Oxford American Dictionary contains a made-up word that starts with the letter “e,” an independent investigator set himself the task of sifting through NOAD’s thirty-one hundred and twenty-eight “e” entries in search of the phony.
Posted by Richard at 8/26/2005 06:56:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Continental Motion - travel through time and check out what the Earth looked liked in the far distant past or what it might look like far into the future.
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 07:17:00 AM 0 comments
No Kid(ding)
TV ads market junk food to kids, new study finds for young Americans, the "food landscape" in television advertising is packed with junk food. The study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is the first to explore the nutritional composition of foods advertised to children using Nutrition Facts labeling.
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 07:14:00 AM 0 comments
Braised Sea Cucumber
Deep End Dining - blogging the unusual, the exotic, and the rarely ordered in cuisine.
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 07:12:00 AM 0 comments
Mini Me
Minimus - They have a full supply of small and lightweight salad dressing, tea or snacks, personal care, and pharmacy items for camping, backpacking, or hiking. The site is packed with hundreds of travel accessories, including travel size toothpaste, travel size shaving cream, travel size mouthwash and more.
(Inspired in me a strange fascination for very tiny products)
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
The Infomediaries Factor
Corporate Gibberish Generator - creates paragraphs of corporate gibberish suitable for pasting into your prospectus
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 07:07:00 AM 0 comments
Bolton Agenda
US Plans to Scrap U.N. well underway. The United States has only recently introduced more than 750 amendments that would eliminate new pledges of foreign aid to impoverished nations, scrap provisions that call for action to halt climate change and urge nuclear powers to make greater progress in dismantling their nuclear arms.
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 07:01:00 AM 0 comments
Anger Management
Things we are not angry about... "We are not angry at Bush for his war of choice in Iraq. We are not angry at Bush because 2,000 Americans have died in Iraq, together with many thousands of Iraqis. We are not angry at Bush because in Iraq "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy." Nor are we angry at Bush because the WMDs were not found.
Nor angry that the aluminum tubes story was not true. Nor angry that the drones story was not true. Nor angry that the bioweapons story was not true. Nor angry that the "yellowcake uranium" story was not true...." (and the list goes on)
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Don't Be A Pogey
What Does That Mean? - user-built lexicon of English idioms, words, and catch phrases and rude or defamatory phrases from around the world.
Posted by Richard at 8/25/2005 06:56:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Stop Playing Games
The Arizona Republic reported on the movement to eliminate recess
Posted by Richard at 8/24/2005 07:12:00 AM 0 comments
Kaleidoscope Eyes
Lucy in the Sky With Shatner - unofficial animated video for William Shatner's cover of the Beatles hit.
Posted by Richard at 8/24/2005 07:08:00 AM 0 comments
It's A Bird! It's A Plane!
Faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...
It's Spandexman.
Posted by Richard at 8/24/2005 07:03:00 AM 0 comments
Altered States
Books altered to create poetry. "Altered books" is an art form which transforms pages from old books into works of art.
Posted by Richard at 8/24/2005 06:57:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Promoting Intolerence
I Hate Pat Robertson your source for all stuff anti-Pat Robertson, anti-Jerry Falwell, and anti-Religious Right.
Posted by Richard at 8/23/2005 06:33:00 PM 0 comments
Bush Enviromental Solution
Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer within 100 years, scientists say. If present trends continue, the current melting will accelerate, driving the Arctic to a new seasonally ice-free state unlike any the Arctic has experienced in the last million years, according to a report in the Aug. 23 issue of Eos. The research team could not identify any natural systems that would act as a brake on the increased warming and melting.
Posted by Richard at 8/23/2005 07:24:00 AM 0 comments
Rid'em Cowgirl
Daredevils and Rodeo Queens - profiles of the pioneering women of rodeo.
Posted by Richard at 8/23/2005 07:04:00 AM 0 comments
She's Breaking Up!
The Ejection Site - Resource of articles, facts, and crew reports, images and technical information about pilot escape systems.
Posted by Richard at 8/23/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Rapid Transition
Beach Pneumatic - illustrated history of New York City's first attempts at rapid transit and their aftermath.
Posted by Richard at 8/23/2005 06:56:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 22, 2005
Midnight Train To Georgia
Old American hobo symbols.
Posted by Richard at 8/22/2005 07:19:00 AM 0 comments
Your Name Here
Author Neil Gaiman has spearheaded a GREAT project to raise money for free speech. Get your name in an upcoming book, 16 authors have donated a once in a lifetime opportunity. And it's all for The First Amendent Project.
Thank you to Muse for finding this awesome little tidbit.
Posted by Richard at 8/22/2005 07:11:00 AM 0 comments
Taro's Quest
The focus of Lost Levels is to shed some light on video games that, for various reasons, were never released commercially.
Posted by Richard at 8/22/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
Your Homework Done?
Source: US Census
Fast Facts: Back to School 2005
Posted by Richard at 8/22/2005 07:05:00 AM 0 comments
Game Over
Mega64! - Live-action video games
More: Splinter Cell and Pac Manhatten
Posted by Richard at 8/22/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Believe It Or Not, I'm Walking On Air
Fuggled: 101 Greatest TV Themes Ever - audio recordings of famous television themes, ranging from A-Team to Yogi Bear.
Posted by Richard at 8/21/2005 07:11:00 AM 1 comments
The Chicken
Official Mascot Hall of Fame - The mission of the Mascot Hall of Fame is to honor great mascot performers, performance, and programs that have inspired tradition and positively affected their communities.
Posted by Richard at 8/21/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Pre-Fad Items
Unnovations - Tomorrow's outmoded artefacts today
Posted by Richard at 8/20/2005 07:20:00 AM 0 comments
You're Fired!
Simply Fired - if you don't laugh, you'll cry. Stories of people getting fired.
Posted by Richard at 8/20/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
Down The Rabbit Hole
A brief glimps into the strange and twisted thinking that is my mind:
Start: An explosion in San Francisco's Financial District this morning believed to have been caused by a faulty electrical transformer blew off a manhole cover.
Which led to this: METAFLITER: Explosion & Fire in Downtown San Francisco Just happened. Could be a gas line - at this point, no one knows.
Which led to this: Photos from the scene.
Then the left turn: Frank Chu
Posted by Richard at 8/20/2005 07:06:00 AM 1 comments
Trivia Dual
Past Master - History Channel quiz game that can be played by one player alone, or head-to-head online.
Posted by Richard at 8/20/2005 06:55:00 AM 5 comments
Friday, August 19, 2005
Spitting Nails
Finger Nail Art Gallery - featuring creative and innovative fingertip designs.
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 07:14:00 PM 0 comments
Slow Down
Light that travels… slower than light! A team of researchers from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) has successfully demonstrated, for the first time, that it is possible to control the speed of light – both slowing it down and speeding it up – in an optical fiber, using off-the-shelf instrumentation in normal environmental conditions. Their results, to be published in the August 22 issue of Applied Physics Letters, could have implications that range from optical computing to the fiber-optic telecommunications industry.
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 07:25:00 AM 0 comments
Baby Got Backpack
Sir Mix-A-Lot still loves... backpacks? Click the girl with the backpack and you will hear Sir Mix-A-Lot's "Baby Got Back" retooled as a Target jingle for backpacks.
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 07:14:00 AM 1 comments
Free License
ACME License Maker - pretend you're in prison. Make a license plate from any state in the USA
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 07:10:00 AM 0 comments
Top Blog
Feedster Top 500 blogs - quick, check if your blog gets a mention. Nope, mine neither.
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 07:07:00 AM 0 comments
Super Models
Martin Bower's Model World - Official site of Martin Bower, professional model maker on Space:1999 and the movie Alien. Features his work on Alien, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Capt Scarlet, Flash Gordon, Capt Zep, Dr Who, Tripods, Outland, and Space:1999
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 07:06:00 AM 0 comments
Good Night And A Happy Tomarrow
Here's a new news site with just happy news.
Posted by Richard at 8/19/2005 06:55:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Application In Darfur?
A International Studies Quarterly study shows some types of military interventions can slow or stop genocide A new study shows that interventions that directly challenge perpetrators of genocides and politicides save lives.
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 07:40:00 AM 0 comments
Beam Me Up
Two tech companies have announced plans to boldly go where no wireless phone company has gone before, with the release in September of a mobile telephone that resembles the communicators featured on the popular 1960s television series ''Star Trek.''
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 07:17:00 AM 1 comments
In The Navy
US Navy Recruiting Posters. 'This page features a special selection U.S. Navy Recruiting Poster images. It also provides links to other pages offering more extensive coverage of recruiting posters and similar forms of recruiting advertising.
(I am in no way suggesting that anybody should join Bush's Navy, nor any other branch of his military, but the history of these posters is pretty neat.)
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 07:12:00 AM 0 comments
Workin' For A Livin'
Salaries of America's favorite TV dads - Who knew George Jefferson made more than Jed Bartlet?
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 07:07:00 AM 2 comments
Poor Children Left Behind
Study finds that school-funding loopholes leave poor children behind. The major funding arm of President Bush's "No Child Left Behind" Program is hampered by loopholes that prevent the money from reaching low-income children, researchers found.
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 07:05:00 AM 0 comments
Hulk Diary - Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry.
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
Electron Band Structure In Germanium, My Ass. Frustrated undergrad's lab report.
Posted by Richard at 8/18/2005 06:54:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Wish You Were Here
Disneyland Postcards — "I have been collecting postcards from the park since the mid 80s', I have acquired over 800 postcards, dating from the first one ever printed, to the current ones sold today."
Posted by Richard at 8/17/2005 07:21:00 AM 0 comments
Twain Wreck
Letters from the Earth -Mark Twain's controversial piece on christian religion, not published till 1962
Posted by Richard at 8/17/2005 07:17:00 AM 1 comments
The Red-headed League
221B Baker Street -Sherlock Holmes, his stories, pictures, links
Posted by Richard at 8/17/2005 07:13:00 AM 0 comments
Holy Comic Book Kookiness Batman!
What WERE They Thinking? - focusing on the unintentional humor to be found in comics of years past.
Posted by Richard at 8/17/2005 07:04:00 AM 0 comments
Ryan Kindergarten 2006
Public School Directory - provides full listings of all public schools in the United States. Includes school reviews and statistics.
(I don't even want to look at the reviews for San Francisco Public Schools, much too scared)
Posted by Richard at 8/17/2005 07:00:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
A/V Geeks: cheesy old educational films treasure trove
(Link and description snagged from De)
A/V Geeks
..."specializes in preserving the nuttiness that is educational film, i.e. those awful audio/visual lessons about everything from the wonders of industrial arts to morality plays on cheating and good posture."
Posted by muse at 8/16/2005 10:27:00 AM 1 comments
Who Is Under There?
National Underwear Day - Event to get people to sign petitions by sending male and female models out onto the streets dressed only in their undergarments
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 07:12:00 AM 3 comments
Enduring Meaning
Great Seal of the United States -its official meaning and symbolism
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 07:10:00 AM 1 comments
Growing Up With Kung-Fu Theater
Asian Cinema - special feature from the Shu Qi Movie Database featuring reviews of Asian movies, both old and new.
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
Clinton/Walken 2008
Walken2008 - biography, politics, and more from the campaign to draft the actor for president.
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 07:07:00 AM 0 comments
A Wink Over The Stacks
ConnectViaBooks - This is a website that connects readers who like the same (or similar) books.
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 07:05:00 AM 1 comments
Cutting Room Floor
How it Should Have Ended - because sometimes movies don't finish the way we'd like.
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Aarrggh Matey!
Talk Like A Pirate Day - description, history, and advice about the day celebrated on September 19, inspired by Dave Barry. Arrr!
Posted by Richard at 8/16/2005 06:54:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 15, 2005
Wrath Of Kirk - Captain Kirk's most famous scream preserved as a Flash animation.
Posted by Richard at 8/15/2005 07:16:00 AM 2 comments
The Man Of The House
National Do Not Call Registry - Have you registered yet?
Posted by Richard at 8/15/2005 07:13:00 AM 3 comments
Science Fiction and Telefantasy Databanks - episode lists, plot synopses, and music for dozens of British and American cult and science fiction television shows.
Posted by Richard at 8/15/2005 07:13:00 AM 0 comments
Come To Order
Famous Trials - in-depth accounts of some of the world's most famous trials. Presented by the UMKC School of Law, and Professor Doug Linder.
Posted by Richard at 8/15/2005 07:04:00 AM 0 comments
You First
Authentic military hand signals. - "I'm not going in there!"
Posted by Richard at 8/15/2005 07:01:00 AM 0 comments
Growing Language
Do chuggers bother you when you want to rock up to a restaurant with your cockapoo to hoover a supersized ruby murray?
Confused? Then you need to refer to the new Oxford Dictionary of English to understand a host of new words that appear for the first time in its latest edition.
Posted by Richard at 8/15/2005 06:57:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Personal Feedback
letters to the president - This blogger has been and will be sending emails to the white house every day for all four years of Bush's second term.
(I'm not certain why I didn't notice that this blog has been abandoned, but is still amusing to read. Somebody should take the idea back up, because it is a clever device for catching political detail.)
Posted by Richard at 8/14/2005 07:06:00 AM 0 comments
Earth Girls Are Easy
Picking Up Girls Made Easy: "The Pick-up System No Girl Can Resist"! 32mb MP3 recording of the genuine 70's article.
Posted by Richard at 8/14/2005 07:06:00 AM 3 comments
Collective Nouns - real and proposed collective nouns for describing groups of animals, people, or things.
Posted by Richard at 8/14/2005 07:00:00 AM 0 comments
No Means No
20 Ways to Say No - lists and discusses ways to turn down projects gracefully.
Posted by Richard at 8/14/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Latinus Graffittius
Ancient Graffiti on the walls of Pompeii. And some more.
Posted by Richard at 8/14/2005 06:53:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Till Death Do Us Part
The Bardo State - A general historical and comparative review of the various philosophical, religious and esoteric-occult conceptions of the nature of the after-life.
More fun stuff from Lisa
Posted by Richard at 8/13/2005 07:17:00 AM 0 comments
Left Or Right?
Setting the Table - This "diagram shows a full-blown table setting for a fancy dinner party," including proper placement for cutlery, dishes, and glassware.
Posted by Richard at 8/13/2005 07:14:00 AM 0 comments
Guide to Springfield USA - "A highly detailed map of the Simpsons' hometown," useful for resolving questions about episodes of this popular animated television show.
Posted by Richard at 8/13/2005 07:12:00 AM 0 comments
Play It
Guitar Blog - news and reviews of guitars and basses, from a longtime collector and renovator.
(For Pi)
Posted by Richard at 8/13/2005 07:09:00 AM 1 comments
Stardate 14921.76
Daystrom Institute Technical Library - storehouse of information on all things Star Trek.
Posted by Richard at 8/13/2005 07:03:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 12, 2005
They Hate Our Freedoms
There is no such thing as a lie as perfect as the truth. That is why it is necessary to construct an alternate reality in which to house it.
Let's start with 9/11.
We were told that 9/11 happened because "they hated our freedoms."
People who up to then knew they lived in an imperfect society where even their votes didn't count, where lobbyists bought Congress and corporations bought elections, whose 14 percent of the population had disproportionately high representation in prison and on death row, whose work force had been removed from jobs by the tsunami of globalization, whose illiteracy rate was one of the highest in the industrial world, whose country was the stingiest donor in the industrial world, whose 40 million uninsured lived in fear of getting sick, all these various people were suddenly collectively made aware that they were the object of envy for something they hadn't known they had—a really spiffy country.
Posted by Richard at 8/12/2005 07:12:00 AM 0 comments
Android World - Everything you would ever want to know about anthropomorphic robots
Posted by Richard at 8/12/2005 07:09:00 AM 0 comments
Kingdom Of Heaven
Rapture Ready - Do you 'Believe'? The creators of this site do.
Posted by Richard at 8/12/2005 07:06:00 AM 0 comments
Piece Of The Pie
Trivial Pursuit - online version
Posted by Richard at 8/12/2005 07:03:00 AM 1 comments
Bush's Next Vacation
Could be in Siberia, soon it will be as hot as Texas.
Climate warning as Siberia melts
Posted by Richard at 8/12/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
How many people do you think would buy a custom made 'Live Strong Spirit' bracelet? Maybe 1000? It would ONLY cost $640 to get them made.
Pi how much are you selling them for?
Posted by Richard at 8/12/2005 06:52:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Darfur A Humanitarian Crisis
It is widely accepted that Darfur is the world's worst humanitarian crisis. It didn't get that way over night. Physicians for Human Rights has warned that "a genocidal process is unfolding in Darfur." The United States Holocaust Memorial's Committee on Conscience has issued a "genocide warning." The U.S. war-crimes ambassador, Pierre-Richard Prosper, has testified that "indicators of genocide" exist in Darfur. How many "indicators of genocide" do there need to be before the genocide is officially recognized and the international community fulfills its legal responsibilities?
(Clipped from a post at the Coalition for Darfur)
Posted by Richard at 8/11/2005 07:15:00 AM 0 comments
Plus 21 Years
Orwell Today - Comparing the world George Orwell described in "1984" with the world we are living in today, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005.
Posted by Richard at 8/11/2005 07:09:00 AM 1 comments
For Your Fashion Sins
Lisa quietly slip this fantastic find into a post about how she doesn't have time to post, so I will deliver to you Dress-up Jesus.
Posted by Richard at 8/11/2005 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
Know It All
WiseGeek - Clear Answers for Common Questions
Posted by Richard at 8/11/2005 06:55:00 AM 0 comments
And Counting
The Iraq Coalition Casualty Count has breakdowns of the casualties of the Iraq War and Occupation, by home city of record, name, branch of service, rank, and cause of death, and other statistics such as ethnicity, as well as a printable list of all fatalities to date.
There are also lists of civilians and Iraqi Police and Guardsmen.
Posted by Richard at 8/11/2005 06:52:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Weather Balloon
Franklin's Forecast - build your own weather station, learn about today's sophisticated weather technologies, and check the weather right now
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:34:00 AM 0 comments
Command Tower
Travelocity Flight Tracker - multiple-airline flight tracker offering real-time flight status around the world.
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:24:00 AM 0 comments
National Health Care
The news that Toyota is locating its next North American auto plant in Canada rather than in the U.S. shouldn't have come as such a shock to American bigwigs.
Anyone who has been paying even a teeny bit of attention to the problems plaguing American auto companies knows that their No. 1 financial problem is the cost of health insurance. There's even concern that General Motors will find itself filing for bankruptcy if it can't get its UAW workers to pick up a larger share of health insurance costs.
That's a problem that has beset more and more American businesses in recent years as the cost of health care far outstrips inflation and the ability of companies to pass those costs to consumers.
So, if you're Toyota, why wouldn't you spurn generous offers from U.S. cities and locate in Canada, where the government provides everyone with health insurance?
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:19:00 AM 2 comments
Dynamic Duo
Bayport Gazette - newsletter devoted to the Hardy Boys detective series features humor, pictures, news, interviews, and more.
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:17:00 AM 0 comments
Oink Oink
Grionk - The Pigsty: A fun but informative website for anybody who wants to find out absolutely anything about pigs
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:11:00 AM 0 comments
Garage Sale
Picasso for sale at Costco. It's the second Picasso to be offered online by Costco since it began featuring fine art on consignment from dealers in March 2004. Costco's first online Picasso, priced at $39,000, sold in January.
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:08:00 AM 0 comments
Tiny Bubbles
The Bubble Burst - British pop culture icons of times past - where are they now?
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 07:01:00 AM 0 comments
Red Shower
2005 Perseid Meteor Shower - know where to look as Mars joins the Perseid meteor shower for a beautiful display on August 12th.
Posted by Richard at 8/10/2005 06:57:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
What Would You Say?
The Dead Letter Office - The premise is simple: You are now dead. This is your opportunity to write one letter to the world. You may say anything you want.
Posted by Richard at 8/09/2005 07:27:00 AM 0 comments
Up In The Air
Powered Model Airplanes - offers reviews and photos of three generations of powered model airplanes including free flight, control line, and radio control.
Posted by Richard at 8/09/2005 07:21:00 AM 0 comments
Level Twenty
VG Maps - gamer-compiled video game atlas, including maps for both current and vintage games.
Posted by Richard at 8/09/2005 07:20:00 AM 0 comments
New Game Sensation!
The Arcade Flyer Archive - searchable collection of promotional flyers for arcade games from 1971 to the present.
Posted by Richard at 8/09/2005 07:17:00 AM 0 comments
Entangled Ephemera #10
Kill The Goat - "Blogging is just masturbating without the mess. Believe it or not, I haven't gone blind yet, nor are my palms any hairier than usual." Kill the Goat is a true weblog the author journals about a range of topics with delightfully long posts. Her name is 'Jay' and she is from Smalltown, Ontario, Canada and her profile states, "A writer, a thinker, a candle-stick maker. A lover, a baker, a booty-shaking entertainer. I'm bossy and stubborn but worth the effort. And no, Mom, I don't play well with others." But she does write extremely well and I might have to move her link to a more permanent location.
Posted by Richard at 8/09/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 08, 2005
Picture Shares
Stock Exchange - Stock photos of pretty much anything can be found here. Need a picture of a farm? Some office equipment? This great site has thousands of images ready for you.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 07:32:00 AM 0 comments
Formerly 669. A polaroid a day, every day.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 07:22:00 AM 0 comments
Rock Paper Scissors - The Film - documentary film about the world of competitive Rock Paper Scissors.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 07:16:00 AM 0 comments
The Burning Times - lists names and death dates of historical individuals executed as witches.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 07:14:00 AM 0 comments
Radio Days
Old Time Radio: Sherlock Holmes - episodes of the 1940s Sherlock Holmes radio program, in MP3 format.
Sounds of Yesteryear - audio files of radio programs from the 1930s through the 1950s.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 07:07:00 AM 0 comments
Water Balloon Wars
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to pop a water balloon in space? (Check out this page for more videos)
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
Gumball Rally
Gumball 3000 Rally - The official site of the Gumball Rally. News and information about the up coming rally.
Gumball Sportsmobile - Follow Car 54 along the 2004 Gumball 3000 every step of the way, daily updates and lots of fun.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 06:52:00 AM 0 comments
Passing The Mashup
GoodBlimey Blog has a tunes page with a collection of mashups, or bastard pop (info about mashups) that you can listen to, and download.
Posted by Richard at 8/08/2005 06:51:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Check Mate
Chess Guide - history, rules, strategy, news, and other information about the game.
Posted by Richard at 8/07/2005 07:14:00 AM 0 comments
The Beast Master
The Beast Blender - I created a Ring-tailed Rhimosquitagator
Posted by Richard at 8/07/2005 07:07:00 AM 0 comments
Deal Me In
PokerZone - features strategy articles, glossary of poker terms, news and more.
Posted by Richard at 8/07/2005 07:05:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Wiccin Of The Great White North
Wiccan Web - news for wiccans and pagans from a Canadian and global perspective. Includes articles, forums, and a community from all over the country.
(muse don't you have an article or two posted there?)
Posted by Richard at 8/06/2005 07:08:00 AM 0 comments
Crash Test Dummies - crash test and rollover ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Posted by Richard at 8/06/2005 07:03:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 05, 2005
Music Spin
Sound Opinions - Great site for finding out about newly released music or discussing bands with like fans!
Posted by Richard at 8/05/2005 07:22:00 AM 0 comments
School Daze Revenge - where U.S. and Canadain students can grade their higher education college teachers and professors.
Posted by Richard at 8/05/2005 07:15:00 AM 0 comments
22 y/o SWF ISO
30 First Dates - weblog of a female in her early twenties who decided to date five new people a month for the six months.
Posted by Richard at 8/05/2005 07:13:00 AM 0 comments
Eye In The Sky
Best Of World Maps - The best images of sites around the world from satellite photos.
Posted by Richard at 8/05/2005 06:57:00 AM 0 comments
ET Phone Home
Spaceweather PHONE - an astronomy alert service that will give you a ring when auroras appear, spacecraft pass over head, planets align, and other celestial events occur.
Posted by Richard at 8/05/2005 06:50:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Compass & Square
Freemason Information - a conpendium of masonic knowledge and information available to anyone who is curious.
Posted by Richard at 8/04/2005 07:24:00 AM 0 comments
"Ah, Borneo" She Said Long Windedly
Lyttle Lytton Contest - contest challenges writers to produce the worst and shortest opening line for a novel, limiting entries to 25 words or less. (A shorter version of the Bulwer-Lytton contest)
Posted by Richard at 8/04/2005 07:21:00 AM 0 comments
Double Negative
Grammar Hell - offers grammar help and spelling tips, served with a dash of humor.
Posted by Richard at 8/04/2005 07:18:00 AM 0 comments
Let It Ring - "I'll have whatever she's having"
Posted by Richard at 8/04/2005 07:04:00 AM 0 comments
Picture This
Worth1000 does it's literal song meanings competition for Photoshop.
Posted by Richard at 8/04/2005 07:01:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Planet Ten Follow Up
New Scientist: Join the Battle of the Planet Names - what would you name 2003 UB313? Submit your ideas for the tenth planet's permanent name.
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 07:22:00 AM 3 comments
Maud Dib
Dreamers of Dune - Frank Herbert's classic sci-fi masterpiece comes to life in this fan site. Check out the Lexicon, a detailed encyclopedia of all the terms in the Dune series.
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 07:21:00 AM 0 comments
Heeeere's Joooonny
Tucker Carlson and Jon Stewart are going head-to-head
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 07:19:00 AM 0 comments
Swords To Plowshares
Iraq vets running for public office
3 are running as Democrats looking to unseat Republican incumbants. 1 as a Republican looking to unseat a Democrat. so with Paul Hackett that makes 4/5 Operation Iraqi Freedom vets to run for Congress that are running Democrat..... What does that tell us?
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 07:18:00 AM 0 comments
Slave To Target - A blog about Target stores.
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 07:10:00 AM 0 comments
80's Horror
Mullets Galore - provides a guide for vocabulary, classification, and hunting of the mullet. Pictures are provided for the connoisseur to hone his or her skills.
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 06:59:00 AM 1 comments
Do A Little Dance
Here is a collection of mini organs.
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 06:58:00 AM 0 comments
Unencrypted Broadcast
Pentagon Channel - broadcasting military news, Department of Defense briefings, interviews, and special reports.
(For my reader from the DoD Information Center, though they probably already get the information)
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 06:57:00 AM 0 comments
Burrito Central
Burritophile - providing enthusiasts a place to voice opinions, post reviews, and read updates regarding burritos and taquerias.
Posted by Richard at 8/03/2005 06:57:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Day At The Museum
Museum Directory - Virtual Library Museums will help you find whatever you want, whether it's art, history, science or a natural park.
Posted by Richard at 8/02/2005 07:12:00 AM 0 comments
Bush's Non-Think(ing) Tank
President Bush had a ready answer when asked in January for his view of adoption by same-sex couples: ''Studies have shown that the ideal is where a child is raised in a married family with a man and a woman," the president said.
Bush's assertion raised eyebrows among specialists. The American Academy of Pediatrics, composed of leaders in the field, had found no meaningful difference between children raised by same-sex and heterosexual couples, based on a 2002 report written largely by a Boston pediatrician, Dr. Ellen C. Perrin.
But Bush's statement was celebrated at a tiny think tank called the Family Research Institute, where the founder, Dr. Paul Cameron, believes Bush was referring to studies he has published in academic journals that are critical of gays and lesbians as parents. Cameron has published numerous studies with titles such as ''Gay Foster Parents More Apt to Molest" -- a conclusion disputed by many other researchers
Posted by Richard at 8/02/2005 07:08:00 AM 0 comments
Google Yourself
Logogle, the Google Logo Maker.
Posted by Richard at 8/02/2005 07:02:00 AM 0 comments
The 20 hamburgers you must eat before you die, a definitive list from GQ.
Posted by Richard at 8/02/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
And I Feel Fine
Exit Mundi - features various apocalyptic scenarios. Like this one:
"Look around. See that world out there? Well, it is about to change - forever. Think of wars, famine, diseases and worldwide turmoil. That’s what’s coming down, as we pass a nasty spike in the statistics called the ‘Oil Peak’. In fact, we may just have passed it already."
Posted by Richard at 8/02/2005 06:58:00 AM 0 comments
Like A Pipe Out Of Hell
The Governator's 1985 film Commando was not going to win any Oscars. But at least it spawned a page of tortuous songs written by fans.
Posted by Richard at 8/02/2005 06:56:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 01, 2005
Entangled Ephemera #9
The Last Girl On Earth - The wacky musing of a girly New York musician who is attempting to prove that you don't have to be a 19 year old anorexic model babe to be successful. Her bio blurb states, "I am a singer/songwriter and classically-trained violinist who quit the classical world early in my career because I hated having to wear black and sit still! I played Lilith Fair with my very own band, and have either recorded or performed with REM, Sarah McLachlan, Cyndi Lauper, Gravity Kills, Chris Whitley, Daniel Lanois, & Robyn Hitchcock and a whole bunch more. " Her blog is fun, and funny with a sharp wit that you would want from the last girl on Earth! She posts cleaver, snarky essays about NY musician life, with a fun new "ALL REQUEST – LAST GIRL ON EARTH – MOVIE EXTRAVAGANZA!" where she travels NY streets filming strangers reading comments from her blog.
Posted by Richard at 8/01/2005 06:32:00 PM 0 comments
Moohahaha #7
Evil on a Budget - a guide to threatening the free world on fifty dollars a day.
Posted by Richard at 8/01/2005 07:31:00 AM 2 comments
Moohahaha #4
Villains Fanlisting - a fanlisting for book and movie villains.
Posted by Richard at 8/01/2005 07:01:00 AM 0 comments
Moohahaha #3
Malice - fanlisting for the villains of Harry Potter.
Posted by Richard at 8/01/2005 07:00:00 AM 0 comments
Moohahaha #2
James Bond Villains - profiles of the various adversaries 007 has faced.
Posted by Richard at 8/01/2005 06:59:00 AM 0 comments
Moohahaha #1
Dark Side, The - fanlisting for Star Wars villains.
Posted by Richard at 8/01/2005 06:58:00 AM 0 comments