Friday, January 06, 2006

Amusing For Muse

Worldwide Guide to Tiki Bars and Polynesian Restaurants


muse said...

Oh, to have an RV and unlimited spending money... *dreams of going on a tiki trek, sampling all sorts of colourful drinks and buying marvelously kitschy souvenirs from all over North America*

Thanks for the link, Richard! :)

muse said...

Actually, this tiki RV dream reminds me of a couple that I met at the Coney Island Mermaid Parade. They were young retirees (can't have been much older than late forties, early fifties) traveling all over the States in their RV to find mermaid-themed events and places. She was a plump, sort of punky-looking red-haired woman with lots of mermaid tattoos, and he was a very tall, thin, dignified and clean cut black gentleman. An oddly assorted couple on the outside, yet very loving and obviously well suited. I loved them and secretely wished I could follow them on their mermaid chase. :)

Richard said...

I'm with you on the unlimited money scheme, but I'll let you be the Queen of the Road and the Tiki Goddess.