Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Public Announcement

Fighting fires may sound taxing, chasing criminals demanding, but a new study says that being a librarian is the most stressful job of all.

I have been accepted into a Masters of Library and Information Science program, I will be starting at the end of January and working my full-time job. I don't know what kind of posting schedule I will be able to maintain. I do love this blog and Pedantic Pundit, so I will be trying hard to post as much as possible. I would also like to take this opportunity to ask everybody to leave a comment, even if you've been a quiet lurker (and yes, I know I've got a few silent types) or found this blog via a one-time search.

(Yes, I am rolling this post to the top, probably until Monday. So please do leave a comment, it may be a little while before I can concentrate on things here, even if I can continue posting regularly.)


LisaPal said...

Congratulations, Richard! Good move! When it comes to managing information, I think you've got a big head start. I'll have to give you a hand and pull my weight a little more on E.E. - though your standards are tough to live up to. (MAybe one day you'll tell me all your secrets.)

(Maybe all that shushing...shhhhhh!...... is stressful!)

Summer said...

Congratulations, Richard!


So, librarians get stressed because they're bored and unchallenged? Interesting. I think I could manage to work in a library just fine. I would have to read every book in the place before getting bored.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations indeed!
I have often how you manage to keep EE fresh.


muse said...

That's awesome! Congrats Richard! You'll be the best librarian anyone could ever dream of consulting!

Part of me envies you: bibliotheconomy was one of the choices on my short list when I applied for university. Translation won because of the freelance possibility.

muse said...

Will you be doing it (studying) full time or will you be working and doing some night courses, etc.? I'm actually in the process of re-evaluating where I'm going, professionally (I love translation but it's not really easily "exportable" outside of Montreal - other than perhaps Ottawa or Toronto...bleh! - and who knows, perhaps one of these days I'll move out of my city, or to the States or some other country... - I'm straining at the bit these days, trying to figure out how to orient the next chapter in my life, and I'm thinking that perhaps going back to school to expand my professional repertoire would be a good idea)

muse said...

Ugh, never mind, I just went and re-read your post!

Sounds like you'll be very busy!