Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Past Life Analysis

Who were you in your last life?


muse said...

Hee hee, good find! Here is my "past life diagnosis":

"I don't know how you feel about it, but you were female in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere in the territory of modern Southern England around the year 525.
Your profession was that of a librarian, priest or keeper of tribal relics." (muse's comments: I can see myself as any of those, especially librarian! LOL... thought were there libraries in England, 525??)

Your brief psychological profile in your past life:
Seeker of truth and wisdom. You could have seen your future lives. Others perceived you as an idealist illuminating path to future. (muse's comments: this is straight out a definition of Aquarian personality. Fits me in this lifetime, though! LOL)

The lesson that your last past life brought to your present incarnation:
Your lesson is to develop a kind attitude towards people, and to acquire the gift of understanding and compassion. (muse's comments: hehehe, I guess my test results here
seem to indicate that I still have some work to do in that area! LOL)

Do you remember now? (muse: just rolling on the floor laughing at this point)

Thanks for the giggles, Richard! :)

Richard said...

Your welcome. I too rolled on the floor laughing over a "psychic computer."