Friday, July 01, 2005

In The Dead Of Night

Vampire Moon - community of vampires, goths, and Wiccans/Pagans offering information on real vampirism and HLV's (human living vampires), vampire myths and legends, and discussion forum.


muse said...

P.S. In case anyone is wondering, not all wiccans are of the space cadet variety... *chuckles* I'm wiccan myself and am neither pouty goth, a vampire (*groans* this has _so_ nothing to do with Wicca/paganism!), a rebellious teenager or a tinfoil hat-wearing adult! LOLLOL ;)

(yeah, not feeling overly proud of some of my fellow pagans today...LOL)

Richard said...

I really was not trying to cast dispersions on Wiccins, I merely copied the description with slight modification from the website. I know that all groups have thier lunatic fringe. You are way too cool for me to believe poorly of wiccans.

muse said...

Oh heavens, I know Richard, don't worry! :) I just meant that it's a pet peeve of mine: the "extra cuckoo" pagans out there... I'll tell my "coming out to my parents" story at some point, when I have some time... the weirdos in the news at the time made the whole experience extra pleasant for me (not!)

Mind you, I find it funny too (the weird and interesting people out there never cease to fascinate me).

So I'm of two minds:
-Ugh, not another bunch of loonie pagans!
-Kewl! Another bunch of weido people adding to the vast tapestry of human experience, blablabla!

I've got my wholesome wheat (normal) side and my fun frosted (weird-appreciating) side too! Call me Mini-Wheats! ;)