Thursday, February 24, 2005

Egyptian Doctors Remove Baby's Second Head

The head that was removed from Manar had been capable of smiling and blinking but not independent life, doctors said.

Check out the picture. This would pose a greater dilemma for me than it seems to pose for the folks involved here...


Richard said...

Hey welcome back!!

PS check out February 20th on this blog.

LisaPal said...

Thanks. I'm trying to be back, but I'm just having a tough time getting into the writing groove. I have confessions to make about this and maybe I'll post about it.

Oh, okay. I'll confess it here. It's It's much easier and way more for me to play these than it is for me to type. I like to write but hate to type. It's like internet crack. Kewlbox has stolen my soul!

(Well, now I guess I'll have to blog about this. I need a 12 step program!)

LisaPal said...

Hi. I'm just back from February 20th and now realize what an idiot I am. Somehow I missed it. Maybe it was the mashups that had my mind ...well...all mashed up.