Wednesday, October 27, 2004


Eric of and has a wonderful track on his new web EP EmptySelf entitled Occupation.


Eric said...

OOOPS! Hey Richard, thanks for the link, but is a right wing BS-site... I got the blog at before I knew this.. but then I thought, what the hell, maybe I'll confuse some people into reading my blog. The link is actually correct when you click it, but I just didn't want to be associated with that other site..

They are saying that since Democrats are worried about the election being stolen, it shows a mistrust of the Gov. not fit for a leader. I guess real leaders are supposed to watch Republicans compile lists of minority voters to challenge, tear up registration forms for reg. dem's, see 60,000 ballots disappear from the mail, and not do anything about it.

Anyhow, just thought i'd let you know.. Thanks again for the link

Richard said...

It's not mistrust of the Government, it's mistrust of Republicans, which any leader should have a health dose. I will correct the way your blog title appears. appears