Sunday, October 31, 2004


Today Google has a new Halloween Google Logo displayed, here is where they keep all their past logos and even more Google fan logos here. Thank you to Alan for pointing them out.

Friday, October 29, 2004

The Election Shenanigans Have Begun

The Republican aren't even making a pretense of a legitimate election. They will use whatever it takes to win.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Visualize Swirled Peas

A friend forwarded this site on the power of positive thinking, I see it as a cute reminder to go out and vote November 2nd.


Eric of and has a wonderful track on his new web EP EmptySelf entitled Occupation.


International access to the official re-election website of Us President George W. Bush ( has been blocked.

The Clean Slate

I post this because in my opinion the SF Bay Guardian publishes the best voter guide and endorsements for the San Francisco Bay Area. Which means that they think alot like I do, it is very rare that I disagree with them.

Critical Issue!

Whoever wins the presidential election Nov. 2 could reshape the court, the world's most powerful judicial body, in ways that long outlive his presidency.

Hunter's Moon

The pale-white moon will turn pumpkin orange as it plunges into shadow, becoming eerie red during totality.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Stand up for your Rights

The bipartisan U.S Commission on Civil Rights has released a draft report on the Bush Administration's CR record Redefining Rights in America: The Civil Rights Record of the George W. Bush Administration, 2001-2004 (PDF 1.5 MB). It's a pretty scathing indictment

Against the Grain

Is the U.S. prohibiting Iraqi farmers from planting seed they've saved so they have to buy imported seed from big corporations? This report says so.

Some day you just can't get rid of a bomb!

The U.N. nuclear agency warned Monday that insurgents in Iraq may have obtained nearly 400 tons of missing explosives that can be used in the kind of car bomb attacks that have targeted U.S.-led coalition forces for months.

Clash of the Titans

NASA: Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn. Today, Oct. 26, Cassini will pass within 1,200 km (746 miles) of Saturn's giant moon Titan. The historic flyby will be the closest approach to Titan to date.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

To the Editor

A new weblog, "Regret the Error," is devoted solely to reporting on newspaper errors. If only Bush/Cheney made such publications.

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Playhouse Disney

Viacom and Disney will pay a combined $1.5 million to settle government charges in connection with violating the amount of commercials that kids are exposed to. This links back to a discussion that started on Lisa's blog.

Grand Slam

Charles Joseph Hiller

Osama Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

Ten days to go before we head to the polls, which means only 10 days left for an October Surprise, that rabbit-from-the-hat, ace-in-the-hole election cincher. As of today, there have been 59 "surprise parties" planned in anticipation of that event, the guest of honor, Osama Bin Laden.

In September, we were teased with a statement from Joseph Cofer Black, the US State Department Coordinator for Counterterrorism, that Bin Laden's capture was close at hand.

An article on the website of Spain's El Mundo, (translation here), places Bin Laden China. Rumors and speculation abound on the liklihood of Bin Laden's pre-election day capture.

Get you party favors ready, just in case.

Who Cares What the Rest of the World Wants?

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | World 'wants Kerry as president': A new poll in 35 countries suggests that people around the world would prefer Democratic challenger John Kerry as US president over George W Bush.

Too bad they don't get a say in this one.

Friday, October 22, 2004

KERRY WINS Election!!!

A recent survey has proven that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes true!! At least that is how I am interpreting the results of a survey reported in this troubling article. I will be testing this by repeating the "Kerry Wins" message often, you do it too.

Say Cheese!

While this site is not what could be classified as electronic ephemera, it would qualify as a site ABOUT ephemera. Ever wondered who that was lurking in the background of your delightfully composed photograph of the Eiffel Tower? Who was that guy who put two fingers up behind your head when you were manfully posing with your girlfriend? Well, now you might be able to find out (or just have a laugh at some nicely ruined photos) for FREE with this glorious website! It all depends if that someone will admit that was me!...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Not without a FIGHT!

Sen. John Kerry, bracing for a potential fight over election results, will not hesitate to declare victory Nov. 2 and defend it, advisers say. You may need a temporary login from BugMeNot.

Back up against the wall

rx has created a wonderfully satirical rendition of the war president singing U2's sunday bloody sunday.

Gone Phishin'

Here is news of the latest Phishing Scam.

A New Deal

SolitaireCentral is your "source for everything you ever wanted to know about solitaire and patience card games," including rules, downloads of games, online games, and more.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Master of Strategery

In March of 2004 the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign put a Sloganator poster creator on thier website. With this web application you could create your own Bush/Cheney re-election poster with your own slogan printed on it. Thousands of liberal activist flooded the site to create thier own posters, within a few weeks handlers at Bush/Cheney found out what was happening and took the Sloganator down. Here is a Sloganator Memorial site where you can see some of the best creations.

It's the most remarkable word I've ever seen

Venal Ventriloquist

Is Bush Wired? Is an entire weblog devoted to the question and debate about whether Bush has been prompted through an earpiece during the presidential debates, and perhaps even earlier in his few press conferences.

Dear Limey Assholes

From Neil at Neil's World comes a selection of letters and emails received in response to the Guardian's Clark County campaign. The Guardian started a letter-writing campaign so that the British public could encourage the voters of Clark County, Ohio to get out and vote. Clark County has been shown in polls to be one of the most undecided counties in the US. The Guardian is generally left-wing paper and the majority of the people writing letters have been lobbying against Bush. Some of the Clark County responces to these emails have been stunning in thier Xenophobia.

First Post

I will hopefully be using this space to post that ephemeral electonica that passes so quickly out here in cyberspace. Those things that only have meaning in the topica of the moment, the flashes of news, mp3's, animations and even jokes. I expect that years, or even months down the line, many if not most of the links will be broken. If this blog succeeds I may even post on the topic of electronic ephemera and the efforts to preserve it. I have asked a few people to join me in making posts. I hope to create a community of posters and readers, and encourage people to comment and interact with the posters. If you would like to post, just leave a comment and we'll see if we can work something out.